Vivo X100 and Vivo X100 Pro were launched in India in January with the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 chipset. The Chinese smartphone maker is expected to add a new entry in its X100 lineup with the launch of the Vivo X100s. Ahead of any official announcement from Vivo, a tipster has suggested the colour options and specifications of the purported Vivo X100s. It is said to come in four distinct colour options. It could ship with a Dimensity 9300 SoC from MediaTek. The Vivo X100s is expected to arrive as the successor to the Vivo X90s.

Tipster Digital Chat Station (translated from Chinese) on Weibo claimed that the Vivo X100s will be offered in black, cyan, white and titanium colour options. It is said to run on a MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC like its siblings — the Vivo X100 and Vivo X100 Pro.

The Vivo X100s is tipped to sport a flat screen with 1.5K resolution and narrow bezels. It could get a flat metal frame and glass on both the front and rear.

The handset is expected to come with upgrades over last year’s Vivo X90s. The latter was launched in China in June last year with a price tag of CNY 3,999 (roughly Rs. 45,300) for the 8GB RAM + 256GB storage variant.

The Vivo X90s features a 6.78-inch full-HD+ (1,260×2,800 pixels) AMOLED display. It runs on an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ SoC with up to 12GB of RAM and up to 512GB of inbuilt storage. It has a triple rear camera setup, led by a 50-megapixel Sony IMX663 primary sensor. On the front, it has a 32-megapixel sensor. It houses a 5,000mAh battery with 120W wired fast charging support.

The Vivo X100 Pro and Vivo X100 were launched in January in India with a starting price tag of Rs. 89,999 and Rs. 63,999, respectively. They are powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 9300 SoC and have triple rear cameras. They have curved 6.78-inch 8 LTPO AMOLED displays with up to 120Hz refresh rate.

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