Vivo X100 Pro and Vivo X100 smartphones with the brand-new MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC were launched in China last month. Both handsets are confirmed to go official in other global markets on December 14. A new report has now surfaced online claiming that the India launch of the Vivo X100 series is set to take place early next year. Indian variants of the Vivo X100 Pro and Vivo X100 are said to be capable of capturing the depth and accuracy of the sunlight during sunrise and sunlight. The Chinese variants of Vivo X100 phones run on Android 14-based OriginOS 4 and have curved 6.78-inch 8 LTPO AMOLED displays with up to 120Hz refresh rate. They feature Zeiss-branded triple rear camera units.

A new report by 91Mobiles has shed light on the release timeline of the Vivo X100 Pro and Vivo X100 in India. The report, citing industry sources, claims that the Vivo X100 series will launch in the country sometime in January next year. The Indian variants are said to come with an exclusive photography feature that can capture the radiance of the sunlight during sunset and sunrise.

The Vivo X100 Pro and Vivo X100 are still China-exclusive, but are confirmed to make their global debut on December 14. The smartphones were launched with starting price tags of CNY 4,999 (roughly Rs. 56,500) and CNY 3,999 (roughly Rs. 50,000), respectively.

As mentioned, the Vivo X100 series runs on Android 14-based OriginOS 4 and features curved 6.78-inch 8 LTPO AMOLED displays with up to 120Hz refresh rate. Both models are powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9300 SoC, coupled with Vivo’s V3 chip.

The Vivo X100 series packs Zeiss-branded triple rear camera units. The regular Vivo X100 houses a 5,000mAh battery with 120W fast charging while the VIvo X100 Pro houses a 5,400mAh unit with 100W charging and a 50W wireless charging rate. 

The Vivo X90 Pro has finally made its debut in India, but is the company’s flagship smartphone for 2023 equipped with enough upgrades over its predecessor? We discuss this and more on Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.
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