While the majority of your success lies in which weapons and armor you carry when facing off against the Terminids and Automatons on various missions in Helldivers 2, you shouldn’t overlook what your ship can do to support you. Besides just naming your destroyer, there’s far more you can do to customize it with modules. Whereas weapons and Boosters will impact you and your squad on a more constant basis, ship modules come in clutch when you need to bring out the big guns, aka Stratagems. These power weapons are already enough to turn the tide of a tough fight, but when you add in the right ship modules, you’ll be cooking bugs for breakfast.

The best ship modules in Helldivers 2

Ship modules are purchased on your ship via the Ship Management Terminal. There are 18 in total, split between the Patriotic Administration Center, Orbital Cannon, Hangar Ship, Bridge Ship, and Engineer Bay categories. They are unlocked by spending samples you can collect during missions.

Donation Access License

Look, sometimes you can’t argue with simplicity, and the Donation Access License is about as basic as they come. This mod gives any support weapons you call in more ammo by default, granting you more time blasting and less time waiting to call in your next one. It is a versatile mod as well since it can be applied to multiple Strategems. It applies to things like the Laser Cannon, Grenade Launcher, Railgun, Flamethrower, and more.

Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit

Eagle Strategems are some of the most deadly in the game for massive area-of-effect damage. Aside from the dangers of getting caught in your own blast, the downside is that they have hefty cooldowns. This mod will cut all Eagle Stratagem cooldowns, such as the Eagle 500KG Bomb, airstrike, and strafing run, by 50% so you can rain down terror in half the time. When you can use something like the Eagle 500KG Bomb basically whenever you need, not even a Charger will pose a threat.

Nuclear Radar

The deadliest enemy in Helldivers 2, besides your teammates, are the ones you don’t see coming. Your mini-map is handy, but typically doesn’t warn you about danger before you spot it (or more likely, before it spots you). The Nuclear Radar increases the radius of all enemy pings by a massive 50 meters so you will never be caught unaware.

Shock Absorption Gel

Calling in a sentry gun is basically adding a fifth man to your squad. The only issue is that this temporary teammate only lasts as long as they have ammo. Don’t ask us why it’s called Shock Absorption Gel, but this module increases the ammo for all sentry Strategems by 50% to watch your backs for that much longer.

More Guns

If there’s one tactic that always works in Helldivers 2, it’s to keep shooting. More Guns applies to your Barrage orbital strikes, such as Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital Walking Barrage, Orbital 380MM HE Barrage, and more. It increases the number of salvos dropped by one. That one extra bombardment can make up for a mistimed or misplaced deployment, or just make doubly sure that whatever you were trying to kill is most definitely dead.

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