Samsung introduced the first Ultra model in its Galaxy S series of smartphones in 2020, when it launched the Galaxy S20 Ultra. While the company has launched an updated version of that handset in the following years, the purported Galaxy S25 Ultra that is said to arrive in the coming months could be the last phone to bear the moniker. According to a tipster, Samsung might rename two models in the Galaxy S series of smartphones, starting with its smartphones that are anticipated to debut in 2026.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), tipster Yogesh Brar (@heyitsyogesh) claims that Samsung could rebrand the Galaxy Ultra as the Galaxy Note, while the ‘Plus’ model could be replaced with Pro. This suggests that the South Korean tech conglomerate could be looking to rename two of its high-end smartphones, while the standard model’s moniker might remain unchanged.

The switch to Note and Pro names for the Galaxy S series could arrive with Samsung’s 2026 models, according to Brar, who responded to another X user that the names of the rumoured Galaxy S25 series were already decided by the company.

If the tipster’s claims are accurate, Samsung could introduce the Galaxy S26, Galaxy S26 Pro, and Galaxy S26 Note models in 2026. The switch to the Pro moniker also suggests that the handset could bring a few more upgrades over the standard Galaxy S26 model, in addition to a larger display and battery.

It’s worth taking these claims with a grain of salt, as the rumoured Galaxy S26 series of smartphones isn’t expected to debut until early 2026. In the coming months, the South Korean smartphone maker is expected to unveil the Galaxy S25 lineup, which is expected to be powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chip from Qualcomm or Samsung’s Exynos 2500 SoC, according to recent reports.

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