Samsung on Wednesday unveiled its latest range of Galaxy smartphones globally at its Galaxy Unpacked event. In India, Samsung will bring all of its newly launched models, which include the Galaxy S25 Ultra, which continues to offer the S Pen functionality this year, as well as the Samsung Galaxy S25 and the slightly larger Galaxy S25+ models. While the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ offer minor and mostly cosmetic upgrades over the previous models, it’s the Galaxy S25 Ultra that gets a notable redesign, along with a new ultrawide camera. Samsung has now announced pricing details for all three models in India.

Samsung Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, Galaxy S25 Ultra Price in India

The newly announced Samsung Galaxy S25 will be available in three standard colourways — Icyblue, Silver Shadow, Navy, and Mint — and in two RAM and storage options. The 12GB RAM+256GB storage variant is priced at Rs. 80,999, while the 12GB RAM+512GB storage variant is priced at Rs. 92,999.

Samsung’s Galaxy S25+ will be available in two colourways — Navy and Silver Shadow — but in the same RAM and storage configurations as the Galaxy S25. The 256GB variant is priced at Rs. 99,999, while the 512GB variant is priced at Rs. 1,11,999.

As for the largest Galaxy S25 Ultra model, there are some special colour options depending on the variant you pick. Both 256GB and 512GB options are available in Titanium Silverblue, Titanium Gray, Titanium Whitesilver and Titanium Black. These are priced at Rs. 1,29,999 and Rs. 1,41,999 respectively. The top-end 12GB RAM and 1TB storage option is only available in a single Titanium Silverblue finish and is priced at Rs. 1,65,999.

Samsung Galaxy S25, S25+, S25 Ultra India Availability and Delivery Dates

Preorders for all three models begin on Thursday (that’s today), both in physical stores and via Samsung’s website. Those who opt to buy their smartphones from Samsung’s online store get a few more colourways to choose from. Samsung Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ buyers can choose from Blueblack, Coralred & Pinkgold colourways, while Galaxy S25 Ultra buyers get access to Titanium Jadegreen, Titanium Jetblack and Titanium Pinkgold finishes.

Samsung’s website says customers can also avail of benefits worth Rs. 21,000 by preordering the Galaxy S25 series. This includes a storage upgrade (for Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra buyers), wherein customers will be able to get the 12GB+512GB variant at the price of the 12GB+256GB variant. There are also cashback offers for the Galaxy S25 and the Galaxy S25 Ultra, depending on your bank or credit card.

Those who preorder their Samsung Galaxy S25 series smartphone from Samsung’s website can get an early delivery from 4 February onwards.


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