Samsung Galaxy S25 series is tipped to get two new artificial intelligence (AI) features. The next generation of Samsung’s flagship smartphones is expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Galaxy Unpacked event on January 22. Ahead of the launch, the tech giant had teased a couple of new AI features for the devices. Now, a tipster has leaked two new AI features that could be introduced. As per the leak, the Gemini AI assistant could be integrated with several of the company’s first-party apps, allowing it to perform more complex tasks.

Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Could Get These AI Feature

According to a Technoblog post, the South Korean tech giant is planning two new AI features for the Galaxy S25 series that it has not teased so far. The tipster claimed to have accessed promotional images of the smartphone lineup that detail these features.

First is the integration of Google’s Gemini with Samsung’s first-party apps. The tipster claimed that Gemini will gain access to apps such as the Calendar, Notes, and Reminder, allowing the AI-powered virtual assistant to carry out more complex tasks previously not possible. The same feature was also tipped by an X (formerly known as Twitter) user in a post.

Gemini Integration with Samsung apps
Photo Credit: Technoblog

Based on the shared image, users can say the command “Hey Gemini” to trigger the assistant and ask it to capture specific information from a YouTube video and save it in a Samsung Note, and it will be able to do it.

Notably, Gemini can already connect with several Google apps such as Maps and YouTube via extensions. It appears similar extensions for Samsung apps will be used to give access to the AI assistant. However, since the tech giant has already teased an AI makeover for Bixby, it raises the question of whether a stronger integration of Gemini could negatively impact Bixby’s adoption.

Additionally, the tipster claimed a new Now Brief feature will also arrive with the Galaxy S25 series. The feature is said to show a summary of the user’s day styled within cards. Based on the image shared, there are three screens. First says “Good morning” and shows the weather forecast and energy score. The latter appears to be based on data collected from a Galaxy Watch or the Galaxy Ring.

Now Brief AI feature
Photo Credit: Technoblog

Apart from that, the “For your route” screen shows cards for Maps and music player apps, likely to assist the user while they’re on the move. A “Night summary” screen shows information such as “memorable moments” and daily activity goals. It is unclear whether there are other such screens within Now Brief or not.

It should be noted that the information about the new AI features has not been announced by Samsung, and they may or may not be present when the Galaxy S25 series is launched. Confirmation can only be ensured after the features are officially announced.

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