Samsung Galaxy S24 was launched in India in January 2024 alongside the Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 Ultra. The phones are powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy SoC. Earlier this month, Samsung introduced the Galaxy S25 series with Snapdragon 8 Elite for Galaxy chipsets. Following the launch, the price of the base Galaxy S24 has been reduced in the country and is reflecting on the company’s official website. Meanwhile, on leading e-commerce platforms, the price of the vanilla Galaxy S24 appears to be further lowered.
Samsung Galaxy S24 Price in India Reduced
Samsung Galaxy S24 price in India previously started at Rs. 74,999 for the 8GB + 128GB option, while the 8GB + 256GB and the 8GB + 512GB variants were priced at Rs. 79,999 and Rs. 89,999, respectively.
Currently, the 128GB storage option of the base Samsung Galaxy S25 model is available for Rs. 64,999, while the 256GB and 512GB variants are listed at Rs. 70,999 and Rs. 82,999, respectively. These changes are reflected on the official website.
Samsung is offering HDFC Credit Card users an instant discount of Rs. 10,000, which means, you could buy the Galaxy S24 for as low as Rs. 54,999. The company is extending no-cost EMI options on select cards and offering exchange discounts of up to Rs. 10,000 as well.
On Amazon and Flipkart, the price of the Samsung Galaxy S24 handset is lower compared to the Samsung India site. For instance, the 256GB option of the phone is listed at Rs. 55,500 and Rs. 69,499, respectively. These rates likely vary by ongoing discount offers that are live on the individual platforms.
Notably, the latest Samsung Galaxy S25 is priced in India at Rs. 80,999 and Rs. 92,999 for the 12GB + 256GB and 12GB + 512GB options. The Samsung Galaxy S25+ is marked at Rs. 99,999 and Rs. 1,11,999, while the Ultra variant is listed at Rs. 1,29,999 and Rs. 1,41,999 respectively, for similar configurations. The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra costs Rs. 1,65,999 for its 12GB + 1TB version.