Samsung Galaxy S23 FE was launched in October last year as a tweaked variant of the regular Galaxy S23. Now, the Galaxy S24 FE is said to be in the works as a successor. A new report from a Korean news outlet indicates that a Samsung supplier has started mass production of display driver chips for the Galaxy S24 FE and the handset will go official in the summer. This rumoured timeline is considerably earlier than the release of any previous Fan Edition model. The Galaxy S24 FE is expected to debut as a toned-down version of the vanilla Galaxy S24.

As per a report by The Elec, Galaxy S24 FE is scheduled to be released this summer. The report citing industry sources claims that a Samsung supplier has begun mass production of TED (TCON Embedded Driver IC) for the organic light emitting diode (OLED) of the upcoming Fan Edition smartphone.

The Galaxy S24 FE’s rumoured summer launch window (June to August) would be earlier than the Galaxy S23 FE launch. The latter was announced in October last year, around eight months after the debut of the Galaxy S23 series in February. The upcoming model is likely to come as a watered-down variant of Galaxy S24.

If this report turns out to be true, then Samsung will have an eventful second half this year. The company is expected to announce the Galaxy Ring, Galaxy Z Fold 6, Galaxy Z Flip 6, Galaxy Watch 7 lineup and more around July and August.

As per past leaks, the Galaxy S24 FE will get a 6.1-inch AMOLED display and could run on Exynos 2400 SoC or Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC depending on the market. It is said to feature 12GB LPDDR5X RAM and could be offered in 128GB and 256GB UFS 3.1 storage options. It is rumoured to be backed by a 4,500mAh battery.

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