Samsung Galaxy A55 5G is expected to debut in India and other global markets next week. Ahead of the launch, a new leak has surfaced online sharing hands-on images of the smartphone, suggesting its design and one of the colour options. Earlier reports claimed that the successor to the Samsung Galaxy A54 could be powered by an Exynos 1480 chipset along with up to 8GB of RAM and up to 256GB of storage. It is also said to sport a triple rear camera unit with a 50-megapixel primary sensor.

The leaked images were shared by tipster @theonecid on X (formerly known as Twitter) via a post. The photos corroborate previously leaked renders and the rumoured design changes. The yellow colourway can be seen on the Samsung Galaxy A55 5G along with flat sides, which appear to have a muted finish. This is likely because the smartphone is rumoured to get a metallic frame, marking an upgrade from its predecessor that came with plastic sides.

Other highlights include the South Korean tech giant’s new key island design element, which adds a raised edge around the right side of the handset where the power and volume buttons reside. The back panel shows a triple rear camera setup similar to the Galaxy S24 series.

A report claimed that the smartphone, along with Samsung Galaxy A35 5G, could be launched in India on March 11 at 2:30pm. A teaser of the upcoming launch was spotted on the Samsung Shop app which does not reveal the names of the handsets, but shares some details that matches with the leaked details.

The Samsung Galaxy A55 5G is said to feature a 6.6-inch full-HD+ (1,080×2,340 pixels) AMOLED display as per a recent report. Under the hood, it is said to be equipped with an Exynos 1480 SoC paired with 6GB and 8GB RAM variants and 128GB and 256GB inbuilt storage options. For optics, it is likely to sport a triple rear camera unit with a 50-megapixel primary sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS). The details of the other two cameras are not known. On the front, it could carry a 32-megapixel camera for selfies and video calls.

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