Poco C61 will launch in India next week, Poco India confirmed through its official social media channel. The company, which is a sub-brand of Xiaomi in the country, has confirmed that the new handset will go on sale via Flipkart. The Poco C61 is teased to come with a high refresh rate display and a large battery. It is said to carry 6GB of onboard RAM. The Poco C61 will succeed last year’s Poco C51. The rumour mill has suggested that the Poco C61 will run on the MediaTek Helio G36 SoC.

On Friday, Poco India via its official X account announced that the Poco C61 launch is set for March 26 at 12pm (noon) IST virtually. As per the teaser, it will come with a dual rear camera setup. Flipkart has created a dedicated microsite teasing the design and a few specifications of the phone.

The Flipkart microsite confirms a 90Hz HD+ display for the Poco C61. It will pack 6GB RAM and users can get an additional 6GB virtual RAM for better multitasking. It is confirmed to include a 5,000mAh battery.

Poco C61 is speculated to arrive as a rebranded version of the Redmi A3. It could be offered in 4GB + 64GB and 6GB + 128GB RAM and storage variants with price tags of Rs. 7,499 and Rs. 8,499, respectively.

The Poco C61 is tipped to feature a 6.71-inch HD+ LCD screen with 500 nits of peak brightness, and Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It is said to run on MediaTek Helio G36 SoC paired with up to 6GB of RAM and up to 128GB of onboard storage. It could include a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication.

For optics, the Poco C61 could carry an 8-megapixel primary rear sensor and a 0.08-megapixel secondary sensor. It is tipped to feature a 5-megapixel sensor in the front. It could support 10W wired charging.

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