OnePlus Open users living in the US and Canada have reportedly started receiving their Android 14 updates. The software update, which arrives with the OnePlus OxygenOS 14 UI, is rolling out in the US and Canada almost a month after the initial rollout for users commenced in India back in February. The update is said to be about 2.54GB in size and will require about 5GB of free space for the upgrade process. Having launched the foldable with Android 13 out of the box in October last year, OnePlus has been quite late with pushing out its Android 14 update, given that Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 5 received its Android 14 update in November.

Several users in the US and Canada on reddit reported receiving updates after what appears to be a long wait, especially given that users in India were the first to receive the update almost a month earlier.

The update, apart from upgrading the foldable’s software to the latest version of Android 14, is said to bring the February 2024 security patch. However as per another post on the same subreddit, it brings no new foldable specific features. Most of the feature updates copy whatever has trickled down from Oppo’s ColorOS 14 and those that are already available on the OnePlus 12 (Review) which was launched with OxygenOS 14 out of the box.

Among the many new features that OxygenOS 14 brings is Fluid Cloud, which add’s a very dynamic island-like capsule on the left side of the status bar for live updates from specific native and third-party apps. Also new is Smart Suggestions that brings live updates from certain third-party apps to the lock screen’s always-on display (AOD) feature.

The Recent Folder feature from Android 13 has now been rebranded as File Dock. The phone also gets some lighter AI features like Smart Image Matting (extracting objects and people from an image) and Smart Touch for text extraction from a screenshot) as well. As always, there are several performance-related improvements as well which have been reported by some users in the same subreddit.

OnePlus Open was launched in October last year after several delays. However, our review of the same easily puts it ahead of Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 5 which seems to have received minimal updates over its predecessor. The OnePlus Open offers a 7.82-inch inner folding display and a cover display that measures 6.31-inches. The phone runs the older Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC and is offered with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of internal storage. It packs a 4,805mAH battery and offers 80W wired charging, but no wireless charging. The phone also offers a rather basic IPX4 rating for water resistance.

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