Nothing Phone 2a — the UK startup’s upcoming smartphone scheduled to launch on March 5 — could arrive in two colour options. Details of the handset have surfaced online more than once in the past few weeks, and now the design of the Nothing Phone 2a has been posted to X (formerly Twitter) by a tipster. These images corroborate recently leaked images of the phone that suggest it will feature a horizontal dual rear camera layout and a simplified Glyph LED layout.

Tipster Evan Blass (@evleaks) leaked images of the upcoming Nothing Phone 2a on X (formerly Twitter). These images show the handset in black and white colourways — the company’s previous smartphones are also available in the same colour options. The image of the Phone 2a in black shows the rear panel as well as the phone’s screen, while the white option shows the rear panel.

The black colourway of the Nothing Phone 2a shows three Glyph interface lights located in the top half of the rear panel. These lights surround a centre-aligned horizontal dual rear camera island is slightly raised. The LED flash is located near the camera module, as per the leaked image.

Both images of the white and black options for the Nothing Phone 2a show that nothing has opted for a more simplified version of the Glyph interface. The rear panel also sports a different design compared to the Nothing Phone 1 and Phone 2 — both of these handsets offer support for wireless charging. The power button are shown on the right edge, while the volume buttons are on the left.

The leaked image of the Nothing Phone 2a in black also gives us another look at the phone’s screen. It is shown with minimal bezels and a centre-aligned hole punch cutout for the selfie camera. The latest leak showing the smartphone’s purported design appear to corroborate images that were recently shared by another tipster, with only two weeks to go before it debuts in India and global markets on March 5.

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