Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset on Monday, March 18. It is said to be a more affordable version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, which has been widely used in numerous flagship-level smartphones since its reveal last year. Following the launch of the latest, artificial intelligence-backed Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC, several brands have confirmed the 4nm octa-core chipset for some of their upcoming models. Here are all the phones that are confirmed to get the new SoC. 

Moto X50 Ultra

In a Weibo post, Motorola confirmed that the upcoming Moto X50 Ultra will be powered by a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. The company has teased this model as an “AI Mobile Phone.” Outside China, this model is said to launch as the Motorola Edge 50 Pro in certain global markets including India. In the US, the phone may be introduced with the moniker Motorola Edge+ (2024).

Meanwhile, the Motorola Edge 50 Pro is confirmed to launch in India with a curved 6.7-inch 1.5K resolution 144Hz display with 2,000nits peak brightness, a 50-megapixel triple rear camera unit, and three colour options.

Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro

Xiaomi also announced in a Weibo post that the Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro will launch globally with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. The model is also set to come with the company’s HyperOS user interface. No other details about the handset have been revealed by Xiaomi.

However, a Xiaomi model with the model number 24053PY09I was spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification site. This handset is tipped to launch in India with the moniker Xiaomi 14 Lite and in China as the Xiaomi Civi 4. The company has yet to confirm both these models. 

Redmi Note 13 Turbo

Redmi revealed in a Weibo post that an upcoming mid-range smartphone will be equipped with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. The company has not confirmed the name of the model but has teased it with the tag “Redmi New Series” (translated from Chinese). It is expected to be the Redmi Note 13 Turbo, which recently leaked online. This model has been tipped to launch as the Poco F6 outside China.

The Redmi Note 13 Turbo is expected to ship Android 14-based HyperOS. It is said to feature a 6.78-inch 144Hz 1.5K OLED display and a 6,000mAh battery with 80W wired fast charging support.

iQoo Z9 Turbo

In another Weibo post, iQoo stated that the iQoo Z9 series, set to launch in China in April, will come with the newly launched Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. The firm did not list the models expected to be unveiled in this lineup. The base iQoo Z9 5G was recently unveiled in India with a MediaTek Dimensity 7200 SoC. It is, therefore, speculated that a model carrying the moniker iQoo Z9 Turbo, which has been spotted in earlier online leaks, may feature the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC. The Turbo model is likely to sport a 1.5K display and carry a 6,000mAh battery.

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