Moto G04 will be launched in India next week, the company revealed through its social media handle on Friday. A dedicated microsite on Flipkart is also teasing the arrival of the new Motorola G-series smartphone. The Moto G04 is confirmed to feature a 6.6-inch display with 90Hz refresh rate. It will be powered by a Unisoc T606 SoC with up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The handset will be backed by a 5,000mAh battery with 10W fast charging support as well.

The smartphone maker announced  that the Moto G04 will be launched in India on February 15 via a post on X (formerly Twitter). The posts hint at at least four colourways for the handset — black, blue, green and orange. It is confirmed to go on sale via Flipkart. The e-commerce website has created a dedicated landing page on its website revealing the design and key specifications of the smartphone.

The Flipkart microsite indicates the phone will run on Android 14 and sport a 6.6-inch display with 90Hz refresh rate. The screen has a centrally aligned hole punch cutout to house the selfie shooter. It will come equipped with a Unisoc T606 SoC and will be available in two RAM and storage options — 4GB+64GB and 8GB+128GB. With the virtual RAM feature, the onboard memory can be expanded up to 16GB.

For optics, the Moto G04 has a 16-megapixel rear camera with an LED flash. It will be backed by a 5,000mAh battery with 10W charging support. The battery is claimed to deliver up to “102 hours” of music playback time and a maximum of 22 hours of talk time on a single charge. Further, it will include Dolby Atmos-enhanced speakers and measure 7.99mm in thickness. It will weigh 178.89g.

The Moto G04 is already available in select global markets. The price of the handset starts at EUR 119 (roughly Rs. 10,600) in Europe for the base 4GB + 64GB storage variant. We can expect to learn more about the Moto G04 price in India when the phone is launched in the country.

From the Nothing Phone 2 to the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra, several new smartphones are expected to make their debut in July. We discuss all of the most exciting smartphones coming this month and more on the latest episode of Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.


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