Lava O2 India launch will take place this week, the domestic smartphone brand announced via X on Tuesday (March 19). Lava has released official teasers, revealing the design and specifications of the upcoming smartphone. It is confirmed to be sold via Amazon and a microsite for the smartphone is now live on the e-commerce website. The Lava O2 will run on a Unisoc T616 SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM. It is teased to come with a 50-megapixel dual rear camera unit.

The Lava O2 will be unveiled on March 22 at 12:00pm IST. The launch event will be livestreamed via the company’s official YouTube channel. Interested users can register for the event by entering their mobile number and name here. The handset is confirmed to be available for purchase from Amazon.

As per the teaser videos and posts by Lava, the Lava A2 appears to have a boxy form factor with power and volume rocker buttons located on the left edge. The display has a hole punch cutout in the top centre to house the selfie shooter. The back panel is seen with a square-shaped camera setup with dual sensors— similar to what we saw on the Lava Yuva 3 Pro. The handset is confirmed to run on an octa-core Unisoc T616 SoC.

As per the Amazon listing for the Lava O2, the handset has 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. It is claimed to have scored over 2,50,000 points on the AnTuTu benchmarking website. It has an AI-backed dual rear camera unit, comprising a 50-megapixel primary camera. It is confirmed to support 18W fast charging.

The Lava O2 was earlier spotted on Amazon in a Majestic Purple shade with specifications including a 6.5-inch screen with 90Hz refresh rate, a 5,000mAh battery, and an 8-megapixel selfie shooter. However, the product page is taken down at the time of writing this article.

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