iQoo Z9 5G is scheduled to launch in India on March 12. The company has revealed the design of the handset ahead of its launch. It has also confirmed several key features of the upcoming smartphone including its processor, camera, display, and battery details. Previously only one colour option of the model was listed online, now iQoo has also announced a second shade. Meanwhile, a tipster has suggested the price of the iQoo Z9 5G, its RAM and storage configurations, and the offers customers may be eligible for when purchasing the phone. 

The landing page of the iQoo Z9 5G on the iQoo India website as well as the Amazon microsite reveals that the phone will be available in a Graphene Blue shade. It was previously confirmed to be offered in a Brushed Green colourway. The phone is set to come with a MediaTek Dimensity 7200 SoC, and a 120Hz AMOLED display with a peak brightness of 1800 nits and a touch sampling rate of 300Hz.

iQoo Z9 5G is also confirmed to get dual stereo speakers and a 5,000mAh battery. The handset will measure 7.83mm in thickness. A dual rear camera unit on the phone will feature a 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 primary sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS) support.

Tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) suggested in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that the iQoo Z9 5G will be offered in India in 8GB + 128GB and 8GB + 256GB variants, priced at Rs. 17,999 and Rs. 19,999, respectively. The phone will be available for purchase in the country via the iQoo India website and Amazon. 

The tipster added that after its launch on March 12, Amazon Prime users will get early access to the handset from March 13, 12pm IST, while it will be available for purchase to all users from March 14, 12pm IST. He also suggested that ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank customers can get an instant discount of Rs. 2,000 on the purchase of this handset. Some buyers may also be eligible for no-cost EMI options for 3 months.

Is the iQoo Neo 7 Pro the best smartphone you can buy under Rs. 40,000 in India? We discuss the company’s recently launched handset and what it has to offer on the latest episode of Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.
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