iQoo Neo 9 Pro will launch in India on February 22. The model was introduced in China in December 2023 alongside the vanilla iQoo Neo 9. However, the company has so far only confirmed the India launch of the Pro variant. Some key specifications including display, battery, charging, camera and processor details of the phone have already been confirmed ahead of the launch. The company has also listed the RAM and storage configurations that the model will be offered in. Now, the price of one of the variants of the iQoo Neo 9 Pro has leaked.

Tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings) shared an image on X that appears to be a screenshot of the product page of the iQoo Neo 9 Pro. The image shows the price of one of the variants of the upcoming handset. The 8GB + 256GB option of the iQoo Neo 9 Pro is seen to be listed at Rs. 37,999. With a bank offer of Rs. 3,000, which is also visible in the screengrab, the effective price of this variant can go down to Rs. 34,999.

The listing did not show the price at the time of writing, but the phone is listed with a second configuration – 12GB + 256GB. The price of this second variant has not been tipped, although previous reports suggest that the phone will be priced in India at under Rs. 40,000.

Pre-bookings for the iQoo Neo 9 Pro are set to start on February 8 at 12pm IST. Customers can pay a refundable Rs. 1,000 to pre-book the handset and they will also get a Rs. 1,000 discount on their final order. It is confirmed to be available via the iQoo India website and Amazon.

The official listing for the iQoo Neo 9 Pro confirms that the phone will be available in two colour options – Conqueror Black with a glossy finish and Fiery Red with a dual-tone faux leather back panel. It is confirmed to be powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC paired with a Supercomputing Q1 chip for an enhanced gaming experience.

In India, the iQoo Neo 9 Pro is also said to feature a 6.78-inch LTPO AMOLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate and 3,000 nits peak brightness. For optics, it will carry a 50-megapixel IMX920 primary sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS) support and an 8-megapixel ultra-wide shooter at the back. The handset will get a 5,160mAh battery with support for up to 120W wired fast charging.

Is the iQoo Neo 7 Pro the best smartphone you can buy under Rs. 40,000 in India? We discuss the company’s recently launched handset and what it has to offer on the latest episode of Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.
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