Sam Barlow’s acclaimed interactive cinematic mystery game Immortality is making its way to PlayStation 5 on January 23. The game first arrived on Xbox Series X/S and PC in August 2022.

Like Barlow’s previous works, Her Story and Telling Lies, Immortality sees players interacting with live-action footage to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of fictional actress Marissa Marcel (Manon Gage). Once a promising young star, Marcel only made three movies – none of which were ever released – before she vanished. 

Learning what happened to Marcel involves searching out dozens of clips of each film’s behind-the-scenes footage, scrubbing them for clues, and finding related videos using the ability to “match cut.” This mechanic allows players to click on elements within a scene (like a person or object) to uncover new clips featuring that selected element. The PS5 version enhances these mechanics with new haptic feedback and controller speaker features.

IMMORTALITY PlayStation 5 Announce Trailer

Immortality’s unsettling atmosphere, inventive mechanics, and strong storytelling earned it a place on Game Informer’s Top 10 Games of 2022. Immortality is also available now on Xbox Series X/S, PC, and mobile devices via Netflix. 

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