WhatsApp Beta was reported to have added support for AI stickers on the instant messaging app. On WhatsApp, this is the first feature that uses artificial intelligence. As reported, the option to create AI stickers is currently rolling out only to select users in the WhatsApp beta for Android update. The new feature enables users to create personalized stickers by describing the desired visual to AI. The feature is expected to be rolling out to WhatsApp users worldwide in the coming days. Feature tracker WABetaInfo mentioned the new update in its report, stating that the feature is currently made available to a limited number of testers. Just like all other stickers, the AI-generated stickers’ feature is placed in the stickers tab. To generate a sticker, users need to tap on the new Create button.How to create AI-generated stickers on WhatsApp Launch the WhatsApp app and click open any chat. In the chat, select the smiley icon located at the bottom to open the stickers window. Once you get the access to create AI stickers, click on “generate your own AI sticker” tab. Select ‘Create’ and describe the details of the sticker that you wish to create. The feature will provide you with different options based on your description. Hence, the creation of the AI sticker is based on the description provided by the user. WhatsApp has not confirmed a timeline when this AI sticker feature will be made available to all the users. Moreover, Meta has not mentioned the name of the generative AI that it is using to create these stickers. Since, generative AI also comes with certain security and copyright risks, it is yet to be seen if Meta takes any further actions to secure these AI stickers.
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