Honor X9b India launch could be just around the corner. A date is yet to be officially confirmed by HTech, but a fresh leak suggests that the handset will go official in the country in the second week. Price details and specifications of the Indian variant of Honor X9b have also been tipped alongside. The Honor X9b is said to arrive in the competitive sub-Rs. 30,000 price segment. Honor unveiled the Honor X9b in select Arab countries last year. It runs on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC and features a 108-megapixel triple rear camera setup. It is backed by a 5,800mAh battery that supports 35W fast charging.

Known tipster Paras Guglani (@passionategeekz) has leaked the India launch date and pricing details of the Honor X9b on X. According to the tipster, the handset will be launched in the country on February 8 or February 9 and will be priced between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 30,000. The sale offers are said to bring the price as low as Rs. 23,999. He claims that the Honor X9b and Honor Choice X5 True Wireless Earbuds (TWS) bundle will be available for under Rs. 35,000.

The Indian variant of the Honor X9b is tipped to come with MagicOS 7.2 based on Android 13. It could run on Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC with 12GB of RAM.

Honor X9b is already available in the UAE with 8GB RAM + 256GB and 12GB RAM + 256GB storage options. It runs on Android 13-based MagicOS 7.2 and features a 6.78-inch 1.5K(1,200×2,652) AMOLED display. The handset is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, coupled with up to 12GB of RAM.

For optics, the Honor X9b has a triple rear camera unit, comprising a 108-megapixel primary sensor, a 5-megapixel ultra-wide lens, and a 2-megapixel macro sensor. For selfies, there is a 16-megapixel front camera. It is equipped with a 5,800mAh battery with support for 35W fast charging.

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