Honor X9b 5G is all set to go official in India on February 15 alongside the Honor Choice X5 earphones and Honor Choice Watch. Ahead of the official debut, the Chinese smartphone brand has revealed multiple teasers, disclosing the smartphone’s key specifications and colour options. The Honor X9b 5 is confirmed to carry a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC under the hood. It will be backed by a 5,800mAh battery. The Honor 9Xb is already available in select global markets.

Through a press release on Tuesday (February 6), Honor has confirmed the specifications and colourways of the Honor X9b 5G. It is confirmed to be backed by a 5,800mAh battery and the battery unit is claimed to deliver 18 hours of calling time, a maximum of 12 hours gaming time and up to 19 hours of video playback time on a single charge or up to three days of uninterrupted use. It is said to retain 80 percent of its capacity even after 1,000 charge cycles. According to Honor, DXOMark has given the X9b 5G smartphone the Gold battery label.

The Honor X9b 5G is confirmed to run on Android 13-based MagicOS 7.2. The latest update comes with several customised and upgraded features. It is confirmed to ship with Qualcomm’s 4nm Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, alongside 8GB of RAM and 256GB of onboard storage. The onboard memory can be expanded up to 20GB through the virtual RAM feature. 

The Honor X9b 5G is teased to come in Midnight Black and Sunrise Orange shades in India. It seems to have a design inspired by high-end watches. The camera module features a dual-ring design.

The launch of Honor X9b 5G will take place on February 15 in India. The Honor Choice Earbuds X5 and Honor Choice Watch will also make their debut in the country on the same day.

Honor initially unveiled the Honor X9b 5G in select global markets including Malaysia and UAE last year. The Indian variant of the handset is expected to retain the 6.78-inch 1.5K (1,200 x 2,652 pixels) AMOLED screen and 108-megapixel triple rear camera setup seen on the global variant. It is likely to offer support for 35W wired fast charging.

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