Honor Tablet 9 tablet was launched on 22nd December 2023. The tablet comes with a 12.10-inch display offering a resolution of 1600×2560 pixels at a pixel density of 249 pixels per inch (ppi). Honor Tablet 9 is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC processor. It comes with 8GB of RAM. The Honor Tablet 9 is powered by a 8300mAh battery.

As far as the cameras are concerned, the Honor Tablet 9 on the rear packs 13-megapixel camera. It sports an 8-megapixel camera on the front for selfies.

Honor Tablet 9 packs 128GB of inbuilt storage. The Honor Tablet 9 measures 278.27 x 180.11 x 6.96mm (height x width x thickness) and weighs 559.00 grams. It was launched in Muguang White, Sky Blue, and Starry Sky Gray colours.

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