Honor 200 5G and Honor 200 Pro 5G were launched in India on Thursday. They are both equipped with a 50-megapixel triple rear camera setup and run on Android 14-based MagicOS 8.0. The phones are also backed by a 5,200mAh battery with support for 100W wired fast charging. The Pro model also features a dual front camera module and offers support for wireless charging. Both handsets were initially unveiled in China in May and introduced in global markets last month, alongside a cheaper Honor 200 Lite model. 

Honor 200 5G, Honor 200 Pro 5G Price in India, Availability

Honor 200 5G price in India starts at Rs. 34,999 for the 8GB + 256GB option, while the 12GB + 512GB variant costs Rs. 39,999. The Honor 200 Pro 5G, on the other hand, is priced at Rs. 57,999 for the sole 12GB + 512GB option.

The standard model comes in Black and Moonlight White colourways, while the Honor 200 Pro 5G is offered in Black and Ocean Cyan shades. The phones will be available for sale in the country starting July 20 at 12am (midnight) IST via the company’s website, Amazon and select offline retail stores.

The company also announced special offers on the purchase of the Honor 200 5G series handsets during the Amazon Prime Day Sale on July 20 and July 21. During this time, customers using ICICI or SBI credit cards can avail of Rs. 3,000 discounts. Buyers may also be eligible for some other conditional offers including up to Rs. 8,000 instant discount and free Honor accessories of up to Rs. 8,499.

Honor 200 5G, Honor 200 Pro 5G Specifications, Features

The Honor 200 5G sports a 6.7-inch full-HD+ OLED curved display with a 120Hz refresh rate and 4,000 nits peak brightness, while the Honor 200 Pro 5G features a slightly larger 6.78-inch screen. The base version is powered by a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC from Qualcomm and the Pro variant has a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. They also run Android 14-based MagicOS 8.0 out-of-the-box.

For optics, both the Honor 200 5G and Honor 200 Pro 5G are equipped with a 50-megapixel primary rear camera, alongside a 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide angle lens, and a 50-megapixel telephoto shooter. The vanilla model is equipped with a Sony IMX906 main sensor while the Pro model carries a H9000 primary sensor. The front cameras of the smartphones have 50-megapixel sensors. The Pro variant has an additional 3D depth camera alongside the selfie camera.

The Honor 200 5G series handsets are both backed by a 5,200mAh battery with support for 100W fast charging. The Honor 200 Pro 5G also supports 66W wireless as well as reverse wireless charging. Connectivity options of the phones include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.3, USB Type-C and more, according to the company.

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