Apple is now giving a 10 percent bonus to customers adding funds directly to their Apple ID from the App Store in India. The Cupertino-based tech giant is currently notifying users in the country about the bonus offer that is valid through March 26. The offer can be availed while adding Rs. 2,000 and Rs. 5,000 to the Apple ID balance. The amount added can be used for purchasing apps and games from the App Store. It can also be used for Apple Music and Apple TV+ subscriptions. However, the offer can only be used once.

Eligible Apple users in India will see a notification about a 10 percent bonus while adding money to an Apple ID from the App Store. The offer is valid till March 26. Users adding Rs. 2,000 to the Apple ID balance will get Rs. 200 as a bonus and those adding Rs. 5,000 can avail of Rs. 400 as a bonus. The bonus can be accessed instantly after adding funds.

Apple ID


Apple notes that the offer eligibility may vary based on account information or the purchase history. The bonus can be availed only once.

Users can head to Settings > Your Name > Payment and Shipping > Apple ID > Add Funds from their iPhone or iPad to avail of Apple’s 10 percent bonus on Apple ID. Users can also access it by heading to the App Store > Account > Add Funds to Apple ID.

As mentioned, the Apple ID balance can be used to buy apps and games on the App Store. Users can also pay for subscriptions such as Apple Music, Apple Fitness+, Apple Arcade and Apple TV+ and third-party platforms. They can also purchase additional iCloud storage using these funds.

Apple unveiled its first mixed reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, at its annual developer conference, along with new Mac models and upcoming software updates. We discuss all the most important announcements made by the company at WWDC 2023 on Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.

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