No, you don’t suddenly work for Meta or Instagram. But if you’ve tried posting today from an iPhone, you might have noticed the appearance of a new toggle labeled “(Meta-only) Internal post.” And you might have tried said toggle only to find that it doesn’t do anything but keep your post from actually posting, throwing an error in your feed instead.

These things happen.

What you’re almost certainly seeing is what’s known as dogfooding — when internal testing tools meant to be used by developers and other folks within a company accidentally are surface in an application in a production app. The app — I’m showing version 349.0.0 — was last updated a day ago, but it’s not uncommon for features to be surfaced server-side. So it’s possible this little toggle switch may disappear just as mysteriously as it appeared.

You’ll see the little toggle switch when you get to the screen that allows you to leave a caption on a photo, just above the section that lets you tag people or add music.

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